In case you had not heard yet, 7 out of 10 jobs are landed through networking (according to this article in It isn't that hard to believe when you think of it... we always trust people more than paper, and in this situation our friends and fellow employees are more trustworthy than a random resume.
So if you do care a tiny bit about getting a job, or if your parents care enough for both of you, well then it is time to start Networking! The article in gives some helpful steps:
Step 1 – Define yourself and what you’re looking for
Step 2 – Define your initial network (friends, family, etc.)
Step 3 - Start in your comfort zone (the people you are closest to)
Step 4 - Expand your network beyond campus
Step 5 - Keep track and keep in touch (thank you notes are always a plus)
The point of networking is to think outside of the box. You may find connections to jobs from people you never thought you would. This is especially important given the current slow economy. Take advantage of all your opportunities.
Our generation is so used to using the computer that it seems a little scary to get out there and *gasp* speak to people, but whether we are ready or not... networking is the key to securing a job.
Forewarning: Terms like LOL, TTYL, and thanx won't fly in business networking. Remember to always act professional!
HAHAHA Darcie, you know what I just realized. My network skills are SO horrible. I can't even keep in touch with all my closest friends let alone employers. Here's a scary thought, I know we're college students and friends are our highest priority. This is all going to flip flop as soon as college is done. Our business networks will become our new priorities and we may start to separate from friends more and more! It's so hard to do both!
I read this article also, but I still think it's easier to go to career forum that major recruiting companies organize, where many major companies get together and hold a huge job interviews. that way you can know them better and they can know you better. I went to the Boston Career Forum last year and got 2 job and decide to work for one of them that took me only 2 days to be accepted.
dave, I dont think you should wait until college is over to start getting used to the business networking. In fact u r already late. You are in your computer almos all your free time, might as well use some of that time efficiently. On the other hand, dont worry about not being able to keep in touch with friends because thats not how networking on the business world is. There is way more to that. By the way, dont separate from your friends because they can serve you as the building blocks for your business personality.
Regarding the issues Dave and Allen are addressing,i think its important to remember that your friends can definitely help you, even in business networking. Some of my best friends are interested in the same things I am and know people from different walks of life who they could introduce me to, refer them to me, etc just to get me in the door in the business world. For instance, just this past month, a friend of mine introduced me to a new product and business opportunity that I would have had no idea about had he not enlightened me. Granted, you definitely need to step outside your box for some great experience and effective networking, but don't overlook the connections you already have through your friends!
ps "moi" is me (Lola). lol forgot to change my display name back before I wrote the comment.
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