Monday, April 14, 2008

Mobilizing the world

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Across the world, mobile phones are much more than a way for Mom and Dad to check in. In India for example, mobile phones are helping to improve their socio-economic situation.

This article
in IndiaPRWire, is written about the benefits that mobile phones can bring to rural areas in India. The article argues that mobile phones have the ability to connect Indian citizens in ways that can vastly improve everything from transportation to financing to education.

Mobile phones give people the opportunity to connect to other people and " bridge the growing economic and social digital divide between rural and urban areas," according to the article. If people from different areas can contact each other they can improve their efficiency and productivity. Mobile phones offer people the tool to change their economy.

In the same way, the internet can have this effect on various places throughout the world. Like mobile phones, the internet can connect people and help to increase productivity. Of course, neither the internet or mobile phones are perfect, nor are they the solution, but they are certainly a worthy means to that solution.

1 comment:

ae said...

India is really advanced in this field and is showing the way for other countries. It would be nice to see third world countries trying some of these things because it can really improve their economies!