Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Path to Social Change

In today's world the internet has become a much needed tool for social change. The internet can be used as a way to connect people, organizations, and countries. The internet can help to bring resources to those in need. The internet isn't the solution though, it is the means to a solution.

Picture from

This report from the Social Science Research Council points out four main uses for the internet within civil societies. These being collaboration, publication, observation, and mobilization (you know...all the ations). However, not all organizations are using the internet to their benefit in this way, especially because of some issues like inequity, lack of trust, and difficulties with sustainability.

It is important that organizations learn how to use the internet though as a tool for achieving their goals. If organizations are able to collaborate in an open forum and engage in mutual exchanges, there would be a lot to gain. This may sound a bit like a hippie revolution, but really it's more of a virtual hippie movement... peace, love, and universal internet- here we come!


Lola said...

I agree, the internet isnt the solution, its a means to a solution. Take information spreading for instance. Many people often times get lazy, thinking that if they have put the word out over the net, then thats all the work they have to do. No, that is definitely not enough. The internet is a good tool, but its not the only tool. Theres a lot of person to person, grassroots activity that needs to occur.

Individuals and organizations alike that can do both- utilize the internet and other means, like networking, person to person, group to group interaction, are the ones that will be most successful.

T-Bowz said...

Internet isnt a new thing anymore, it is just like air, it is just a tool that we use everyday to live. we have to use every tool available to success in this world. we cant just depend on only one thing to do all the work.