Saturday, February 16, 2008

Get job training, and never even go to work? Sign me up! No it is not your fantasy of getting paid to do nothing, it is one of the many practical uses for the online program, Second Life.

According to this article in, IBM has been using Second Life as a means for training new employees as well as bringing them together with other employees across the world.

In the United States, we're using Second Life to create a mentoring community. So if you're interested in talking to somebody who has 25 years in the business, we've built a connection environment--a social-networking tool where you profile yourself, then meet in Second Life.
~Chuck Hamilton.
Director, Center for Advanced Learning, IBM

I think this is one of those good parts of the internet, you know using it for good, not evil. Using Second Life this way is an amazing opportunity for people around the world to not only meet each other, but also to grow and learn from each other. It provides a forum for interaction in a situation where physical space is impossible.

Of course, as with all things, there are risks and downsides. There are questions of security and validity. But in IBM's case, they have found a way to control those risks and use Second Life to their advantage. And that's exactly the way I think the internet should be used.


Unknown said...

I haven't tried Second Life yet, but it looks really cool. If what you're saying is true, I think it would be so cool to meet some person from China through the virtual world. However, if I was busy spending time in the virtual world, I would just be sitting at my computer in the real world. I can't stand sitting in front of my computer for hours on end. I already use it like 6 hours a day! What's the next step after Second Life??? A real virtual world? One where you actually goto China like if you were in the Matrix or something, and you wouldn't have to leave your room. Scary!

ae said...

I fully agree with Darcie. The internet should be used to our advantage. IBM has already shown how. Its up too other to follow.

What it must NOT become is something that sits people on their computers for longer than usual hours!! Dave said it, we spend like 6 hours already..that enough!

Lets see how it goes. Hopefully I will be able to us it to my advantage.

T-Bowz said...

I hard some people quit their job for second life. because it gave them more money than actually working in real life....

Im not sure if it's a bad thing.

but whats gonna happen to them if the system crushs...
mmmm... maybe those smart people will find another way to earn monay.

Lola said...

I agree with all the comments and the posting; everyone brings up really valid points. Second Life could be this cool new tool that reshapes the way we do business (or at least aspects of our business) but it could just be another time waster.

In thinking about it further, though, while there will be those who spend their days roaming around the virtual world with not much to do, I think second life could be huge for businesses if they harness it correctly. With companies becoming younger and younger, and employees not wanting their creativity to be stomped on, I think companies could really capitalize on this thing, not with regards to customers, but with regards to its employees. Who wouldn't want to work with a company that has done away with the boring daily boardroom meetings (or maybe minimized them) and found a way to incorporate technologies such as second life into the working environment.

Granting, figuring out how this will be effective use of work time might be tricky at first, i definitely don't think its impossible. its def worth a second look.